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ORNL research scientist is guest editor for international journal

Virginia Tolbert, a research scientist in the Environmental Sciences Division of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is the guest editor of the most recent issue of the international journal Biomass and Bioenergy .

The issue, titled "Environmental Effects of Biomass Crops Production. What Do We Know? What Do We Need To Know?," resulted from a conference of the same name organized by Tolbert and held in Oak Ridge in 1995. The issue includes a guest editorial by Tolbert and 13 technical papers, five of which have an ORNL staff member as author or co-author.

Tolbert joined ORNL in 1979, and is the environmental research task manager of the Bioenergy Feedstock Development Program. She received her bachelor's degree in biology from East Tennessee State University and her doctorate in ecology from the University of Tennessee and was a post-doctoral fellow of the UT Department of Zoology before joining ORNL.

She is involved with the Association for Women in Science, Sigma Xi, North American Benthological Society, Bishop and Council Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee, and was on the board of directors of Loudon County Habitat for Humanity from 1995-1997.

Tolbert and her husband, Wayne, live in Lenoir City. They have one daughter, Rebecca.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.