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Folami Alamudun

Why Science?

ORNL is proud of its role in fostering the next generation of scientists and engineers. We bring in talented young researchers, team them with accomplished scientists and engineers, and put them to work at the lab’s one-of-a-kind facilities. The result is research that makes us proud and prepares them for distinguished careers.

We asked some of these young researchers why they chose a career in science, what they are working on at ORNL, and where they would like to go with their careers.

Folami Alamudun

Postdoc, Computational Sciences and Engineering Division Ph.D., Computer Science, Texas A&M University Hometown: Owo, Ondo state, Nigeria.

What are you working on at ORNL?

My work focuses on two areas: psychophysiology and natural language processing. The former involves biosensing devices for modeling humans to improve understanding and prediction of behavior. The latter work involves the development of machine learning tools to improve text understanding in the medical domain.

What would you like to do in your career?

I have a deep interest in the use of computing technology not only to improve the way we work or accomplish tasks, but also to improve the person. This includes knowledge assimilation and cognitive and behavioral development, among other things.

Why did you choose a career in science?

Curiosity. Observing and understanding the world in which one exists gives one the power with which to shape and mold things for better or for worse. I am in favor of the former goal and have thus dedicated my life and career to doing just that.