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Why Science?

ORNL is proud of its role in fostering the next generation of scientists and engineers. We bring in talented young researchers, team them with accomplished scientists and engineers, and put them to work at the lab's one-of-a-kind facilities. The result is research that makes us proud and prepares them for distinguished careers.

We asked some of these young researchers why they chose a career in science, what they are working on at ORNL, and where they would like to go with their careers.

Andrew Miskowiec

Postdoc, Nuclear Security and Isotope Technology Division
Ph.D., Condensed Matter Physics, University of Missouri at Columbia
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

What are you working on at ORNL?

As part of a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project, I led the fabrication of a unique sample cell that allows us to apply particular humidity conditions during neutron spectroscopy measurements at the Spallation Neutron Source. We have used this setup to study fuel-cycle uranium compounds.

What would you like to do in your career?

ORNL’s science mission is diverse and spread across many divisions. I’m interested in developing programs and collaborations that combine experience and capabilities across divisions. We work on a lot of different projects here, but we don’t often take advantage of our neighbors’ expertise.

Why did you choose a career in science?

Science is about discovering the underlying fabric of reality. That’s just about the most interesting thing I can imagine, so of course I’m interested in pursuing that goal.