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Faye Koenigsmark

"Through my research on mercury fate and transport, I’ve become aware of the inequitable impact of environmental exposures on communities of color and low-income communities."

Jason Hirschey

"I believe data-driven and empirical decision-making is crucial for bettering the world."

Gabriela Schröder

"Proteins are fascinating machines whose potential can be harnessed for unique chemistry."

Airway beacon shed

Early U.S. airmail pilots, particularly those flying at night or in bad weather, faced serious navigational challenges until the Post Office commissioned the Transcontinental Air Mail Route, a network of airway beacons designed to guide pilots across the largely featureless nighttime landscape.

Katy's Kitchen

In 1948, the government erected a funny-looking building in the woods between ORNL and the Y-12 Plant (now the Y-12 National Security Complex). Named Installation Dog, it was a concrete bunker built into the side of a hill, with a vault that would do a bank proud.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory entrance sign

This year, three ORNL scientists will receive grants for $500,000 per year for five years through the Early Career Research Program of DOE's Office of Science to cover salary and research expenses.

Peter Jiang

Peter Jiang has been captivated by physics since his childhood in China.