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Why science? Jian Peng

ORNL is proud of its role in fostering the next generation of scientists and engineers. We bring in talented young researchers, team them with accomplished staff members, and put them to work at the lab’s one-of-a-kind facilities. The result is research that makes us proud and prepares them for distinguished careers.

We asked some of these young researchers why they chose a career in science, what they are working on at ORNL, and where they would like to go with their careers.

Jian Peng

Postdoc, Materials Science and Technology Division
Dr.-Ing., Materials Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Hometown: Chibi, China

What are you working on at ORNL?

My research at ORNL focuses on computational materials design by machine learning, high-throughput computing and thermodynamic modeling. I am working on accelerating the design of high-temperature materials (e.g., alloys, ceramics and cermet) and optimizing manufacturing processes such as additive manufacturing and chemical vapor deposition.

What would you like to do in your career?

I would like to stay in academia. I want to use material modeling approaches to deepen our understanding of various high-temperature materials and develop novel materials with improved performance.

Why did you choose a career in science?

Becoming a scientist was the dream of my childhood. I have great curiosities about the unknown world and enjoy the sense of accomplishment in solving scientific problems. I love learning new techniques and knowledge. I hope my research outcomes can make a better life for the world.