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Analyzing the Interplay of Failures and Workload on a Leadership-Class Supercomputer

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CUG 2015
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The unprecedented computational power of current supercomputers now makes possible the exploration of complex problems in many scientific fields, from genomic analysis to computational fluid dynamics. Modern machines are powerful because they are massive: they assemble millions of cores and a huge quantity of disks, cards, routers, and other components. But it is precisely the size of these machines that glooms the future of supercomputing. A system that comprises many components has a high chance to fail, and fail often. In order to make the next generation of supercomputers usable, it is imperative to use some type of fault tolerance platform to run applications on large machines. Most fault tolerance strategies can be optimized for the peculiarities of each system and boost efficacy by keeping the system productive. In this paper, we aim to understand how failure characterization can improve resilience in several layers of the software stack: applications, runtime systems, and job schedulers. We examine the Titan supercomputer, one of the fastest systems in the world. We analyze a full year of Titan in production and distill the failure patterns of the machine. By looking into Titan’s log files and using the criteria of experts, we provide a detailed description of the types of failures. In addition, we inspect the job submission files and describe how the system is used. Using those two sources, we cross correlate failures in the machine to executing jobs and provide a picture of how failures affect the user experience. We believe such characterization is fundamental in developing appropriate fault tolerance solutions for Cray systems similar to Titan.