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Building 4501 Operations

Allison Peacock using small equipment to build a generator, May 3, 2021.

4501 Operations

Oak Ridge National Lab produces, purifies and ships more isotopes than any other place in the world, and building 4501 is essential to this operating mission. These isotopes are guided to their destination by the newly created Isotope Processing and Manufacturing Division (IPMD), and they are used in medicine, research, industry and space exploration. 

4501 is operated by IPMD and works closely with Oak Ridge National Lab's Facilities Management Division to ensure this radiological facility is operating at top efficiency and capacity to serve the nation's isotopes needs. 

SCOR safety poster - Allison Peacock using small equipment to build a generator, May 3, 2021.

Support Mission

The 4501 Operations group is responsible for the purification, dispensing, and shipment of various radioisotopes to support the DOE Isotope Program. Product from the Isotope Science and Engineering Directorate (ISED) is shipped all over the world.