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DGX-2 GPU Edge Server

DGX-2 GPU Edge Server 

DNA Edge Computing Server

The DGX-2 Enterprise AI Research System by NVIDIA provides breakthrough computing capacity for machine-learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. The DGX-2 system is located within the CNMS building, to enable in-situ data analysis with direct feedback to instruments. Connections to several CNMS instruments enables autonomous steering of scanning probe and electron microscopy experiments, by running resource-intensive algorithms such as Bayesian optimization, Reinforcement Learning and image segmentation and reconstruction algorithms.

•    2 petaFLOPS of computational power
•    16 Nvidia Tesla V100 GPUs with 32GB of memory each (512GB total)
•    Dual Intel Xeon Platinum 8168, 2.7 GHz, 24-cores
•    1.5TB system memory
•    NVSwitch delivering 2.4TB/s of bisection bandwidth