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Environmental Controlled AFM

Environmental Cell for Scanning Probe Microscopy

FAFM Environmental Cell for Cyphers 00

The environmental, fully sealed and pressure-tight sample cell can be used to perform measurements where environmental control is important. Using this cell, samples can be imaged in liquids (water, ionic liquids, oil, other liquids), gases (air, Ar, N) and at different temperatures. The environmental sample cell can be used with specific environmental scanners. The AFM tip is mounted to an environmental tip holder that seals the sample cell from the top when closed (see images above).


The Environmental cell is compatible with these operation modes:

  • Topography, nanomechanical, electrical, electromechanical and electrochemical. 
  • Liquids: water, ionic liquids, oil, solutions, other liquids
  • Gases: Ar, N, air


  • Sample size 12x12 mm
  • Scan range (30x30 um) 
  • Compatible with the entire band excitation toolbox.


Catalysis in solid liquid interfaces

Double ionic layers

In situ observation of crystal growth

Ferroelectric switching in dry and humid conditions

Biological samples 


Measurements as function of temperature


Asylum Research Cypher AFM


Gas atmospheres
Solid liquid interfaces