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An HDF5-Based Framework for the Distribution and Analysis of Ultrasonic Concrete Data

Publication Type
Conference Proceeding

There are many commercial ultrasonic tomography devices (UTDs) available for use in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of reinforced concrete structures. These devices emit, measure, and store ultrasonic signals typically in the 25 kHz to 5 MHz frequency range. UTDs are characterized by a composition of multiple transducers, also known as a transducer array or phased array. Often, UTDs data are in a proprietary format. Consequently, NDE research data is limited to those who have prior non-disclosure agreements or the appropriate licenses. Thus, there is a need for a proper universal data framework to exist such that proprietary file datasets for different concrete specimens can be converted, organized, and stored with relative metadata for individual or collaborative NDE research. Building upon the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) model, we have developed a UTD data management framework and Graphic User Interface (GUI) to promote the algorithmic reconstruction of ultrasonic data in a controlled environment for easily reproducible and publishable results.