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MMÅ Group Members


In situ/Operando (S)TEM and Analytical (S)TEM
Analytical (S)TEM, in situ (S)TEM, Automated Experimental and Electron Beam Fabrication Workflows
Atom Probe Tomography and FIB Specimen Prep
Analytical (S)TEM, Tomography, High-throughput Automation


Atom Probe Tomography Research
SEM, (S)TEM, Ultramicrotomy, and Specimen Prep
Analytical (S)TEM, in situ (S)TEM, Crystallography, Laser (S)TEM
CryoEM, 3D Reconstruction, HPC, and Cryo Sample Prep


Analytical (S)TEM, Identical Location Electrochemistry, High-throughput Data Analysis
Cryo-PFIB, cryo-(S)TEM, 4D-STEM, low-dose imaging, automated analytical (S)TEM
Group Admin

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