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Thermo Fisher Scientific Krios G4 Cryo-TEM

Thermo Fisher Scientific Krios G4 Cryo-TEM

Krios G4 Cryo TEM MMA

The Krios G4 cryogenic electron microscope (cryo-EM) allows for the rapid collection of atomic resolution data for beam-sensitive samples using automated procedures and low electron doses. This 300kV three-condenser X-FEG microscope can be operated in TEM or STEM modes and is equipped with a Ceta 4K x 4K 16M CMOS camera, a Falcon3EC direct electron detector, and a Gatan Continuum electron energy loss spectrometer. High-throughput data collection and dose monitoring can be achieved with a 12-sample autoloader system, aberration-free image shift (AFIS) alignment, and automated operation software in TEM and STEM mode. Offload data storage arrays to accommodate multi-TB datasets, high-performance workstations, reconstruction software for single particle analysis (SPA) and tomography (ET) data, and 3D data visualization software are maintained and available.


  • Source and Accelerating voltage
  • X-FEG (extreme high-brightness field emission gun)

Sample loading and Temperature

  • Automated and contamination-free loading of cassettes for up to 12 grids
  • Highly controlled and monitored at liquid nitrogen temperatures with automated cryo-cycling and cool-down scheduling

Lenses and Stage

  • Automatic condenser, objective, and SA apertures
  • 3-condenser-lens system for automated, continuous, parallel illumination
  • Symmetric constant power C-TWIN objective lens with a wide-gap pole piece (11mm) 
  • Computerized 4-axis specimen stage with +/- 70° alpha tilt
  • Cryo-stage with single axis holder for optimized stability and drift performance


  • Ceta 4K x 4K CMOS Detector
  • Falcon3EC Direct Electron Detector (counting and linear mode)
  • Volta Phase Plate
  • On-Axis BF/DF Detectors
  • HAADF STEM Detector
  • Gatan Continuum Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer

Automated software for alignment and data collection

  • Automated alignment and sample atlasing for low-mag, full grid analysis 
  • Thermofisher EPU
  • Tomo5 (STEM and TEM)
  • SerialEM
  • TIA


  • DGX Box – 16GPU/500CPU
  • Lamba Blade – 8GPU/250CPU

Data Reconstruction, Refinement, Modelling, and Visualization Software 

  • CryoSparc
  • Scipion Package Manager
  • IMOD
  • EMAN2
  • CCP4 Program Suite
  • Phenix
  • Coot
  • AlphaFold2 (CoLab) 
  • ChimeraX
  • PyMol