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Town Hall - Artificial Intelligence

AI for Science Town Hall Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The second of four DOE National Laboratories AI for Science town hall meetings was held August 20-21, 2019 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  The town halls are aimed at collecting community input on the opportunities and challenges facing the scientific community in the era of convergence of High Performance Computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and the expected integration of large-scale simulation, advanced data analysis, data driven predictive modeling, theory, and high-throughput experiments. These discussions will focus on transformational and large-scale uses of AI that use HPC and data analysis as well as take advantage of data sets and challenges unique to DOE user facilities and broad fundamental and applied science enterprise. The goal of AI for Science is to dramatically accelerate our approaches to scientific discovery, improve scientific competitiveness, and open up new avenues of scientific inquiry. Cross-cutting approaches that may fall outside traditional notions of experiment, theory, and simulation are also included.

Town Hall Agenda

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Breakout Session Presentations

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Materials, Chemistry and Nanoscience

Co-Leads: Bobby Sumpter (ORNL), Marcus Eisenbach (ORNL), Wibe de Jong (LBNL)

Data Collection, Reduction, Analysis, and Imaging for Scientific User Facilities

Co-Leads: Hans Christen (ORNL), Sean Hearne (ORNL), Christine Sweeny (LANL), Jack Wells (ORNL), Thomas Proffen (ORNL)

Environment, Climate and Earth Science

Co-Leads: Forrest Hoffman (ORNL), Alison Boyer (ORNL), Monty Vesselinov (LANL)

Biology and Life Science

Co-Leads: Julie Mitchell (ORNL), Jacob Hinkle (ORNL), Ben Brown (LANL)                             

Fundamental Physics

Co-Leads: Marcel Demarteau (ORNL), Bronson Messer (ORNL), Torre Wenaus (BNL)

Fusion Energy

Co-Leads: Phil Ferguson (ORNL), Mike Churchill (PPPL), John Canik (ORNL)           

Transportation and Mobility

Co-Leads: Robert Wagner (ORNL), Jibo Sanyal (ORNL), Stan Young (NREL)              

Advanced Manufacturing

Co-Leads: Stuart Slattery (ORNL), Vincent Paquit (ORNL), Jim Belak (LLNL)                      

Energy Generation & Distribution

Co-Leads: Teja Kuruganti (ORNL), Tara Pandya (ORNL), Mike Sprague (NREL)

Numerical Aspects of Learning

Co-Leads: Clayton Webster (ORNL), Stefan Wild (ANL), Sandeep Madireddy (ANL)

Model Applicability and Characterization

Co-Leads: Blair Christian (ORNL), Dan Lu (ORNL), Justin Newcomer (SNL)          

Decision Support

Co-Leads: Rick Archibald (ORNL), Tom Potok (ORNL), Cindy Phillip (SNL)           

Science Informed Learning

Co-Leads: Scott Klasky (ORNL), Cory Hauck (ORNL), Jeff Hittinger (LLNL)   

Software Environments and Software Research

Co-Leads: Robert Patton (ORNL), Judy Hill (ORNL), Eric Cyr (SNL) 

Data Infrastructure & Life Cycle

Co-Leads: Arjun Shankar (ORNL), Katie Knight (ORNL), Brad Settlemeyer (LANL)       

Hardware and Architecture

Co-Leads: Katie Schuman (ORNL), Travis Humble (ORNL), Ken Alvin (SNL)         

Facilities Integration and AI Ecosystem

Co-Leads: Jim Hack (ORNL), Mike Papka (ANL), Inder Monga (LBNL)   

