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Safeguards Technology Needs Assessment for Leading Thorium Fuel Cycles

Project Details

Principal Investigator

Problem Statement

The development of safeguards technology for thorium fuel cycles is a matter of some urgency—since there is a significant timeline for technology deployment from conception through research and development (R&D), testing, and demonstration. Yet, the focus of the international safeguards community remains on safeguarding conventional 235U- and 239Pu-based fuel cycles while the safeguards technology challenges facing thorium-uranium (233U) fuel cycles remain largely uninvestigated.

Technical Approach

Evaluate safeguards technology needs for leading thorium fuel cycles, including: a detailed safeguards technology roadmap to transition to thorium fuel cycles, a summary of thorium fuel cycle options and activities, a detailed inventory and archival record of nuclear material and items available for measurement relevant to thorium fuel cycles.


This work will provide a guide to the priorities for future directed R&D that is needed to bring the technology readiness levels (TRLs) of safeguards detection solutions in line with the higher TRLs of the most promising thorium fuel cycles.


Senior R&D Scientist
Professional Portrait