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Radiation Imaging and Advanced Diagnostics

The Radiation Imaging and Advanced Diagnostics group focuses on passive and active neutron and gamma-ray imaging. 

The gamma imaging team is the technology leader for coded-aperture gamma-ray imaging in the DOE complex and is presently executing projects to develop gamma imaging for holdup monitoring for the Surplus Plutonium Disposition project, for safeguards, and for backscatter imaging for field applications. 

The neutron imaging team is the leader for active fast-neutron imaging via the associated particle imaging (API) method, for passive coded aperture neutron imaging, for neutron spectroscopy via spectrum unfolding, and for active and passive fast neutron coincidence counting. The neutron team is presently executing multiple projects to develop methods and advanced diagnostics employing these methods for field use as well as performing fundamental nuclear physics measurements of (alpha,n) reactions. 

Importantly, the group expertise and infrastructure also include the capability to build the detector active volumes, electronics, and data acquisitions that are part of the advanced diagnostics.



Group Leader
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