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Accelerators - Paving the way

A new test facility recently installed at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory could pay dividends for "big science" projects down the road, including the proposed International Linear Collider. The cryomodule test facility was built to test the superconducting linear accelerator's rf, or radiofrequency, components. As the SNS ramps up toward its full 1.4 megawatts of power, project engineers saw the need for an on-site test facility that can mirror conditions created by the increasingly powerful rf-generated ion beam. Recently one superconducting cryomodule was taken off the linac, repaired and commissioned in the matter of a few days. Similar systems in future, large linac facilities, such as the ILC, stand to benefit from the recent rf superconducting technologies and techniques being explored and developed at the SNS.