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Anderson garners ORNL top honor at annual awards night

Ian Anderson's key role in helping Oak Ridge National Laboratory deliver one of the world's largest science projects on time and on budget has earned him the UT-Battelle Director's Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Science and Technology.

Anderson, director of ORNL's Neutron Scattering Science Division, received the honor during Friday night's awards ceremony at the Knoxville Convention Center. Topping a long list of accomplishments was Anderson's development and execution of a plan to solve a critical problem at the Spallation Neutron Source.

Because of his strategy, the job of removing the inner reflector plug from the target, identifying and repairing leaks, and testing and reassembling the plug was completed in six weeks. His work allowed construction of the $1.4 billion project to remain on schedule.

In addition, Anderson's constant attention to safety was a key to the strong safety record compiled for the SNS project. Also, under his leadership, the number of funded instruments for the SNS has increased from seven to 20, representing $140 million in new funding.

Anderson also finds time to serve the community through charitable activities such as the Knoxville Dragon boat race, the Race for the Cure and events to benefit hurricane victims.

Earning the Director's Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishments in Laboratory Operations was Timothy Powers, director of the Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities Division. Of special merit was his leadership role in his division's move from an "Excellent" rating in late 2004 to an overall "Outstanding" rating. The citation noted that this accomplishment was achieved during a period of transition and challenge.

Michael Smith of the Physics Division received the Director's Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Community Service. The honor recognized Smith for excellence in communicating the excitement of physics research, notably astrophysics and modern nuclear physics research, to the general public and to students considering careers in science.

The Director's Award for Outstanding Team Accomplishment went to Art Baddorf, Stephen Jesse, Sergei Kalinin and Brian Rodriguez of the Materials Science and Technology Division. Their recently published research provides an elegant solution to a challenging problem and opens a new pathway for exploring biological systems at the nanoscale.

The awards were presented at a gala event attended by 250. In remarks to the audience, ORNL Director Jeff Wadsworth said, "This event is reminder that we have an extraordinarily talented group of people who make our laboratory one of the greatest in the world."

In all, more than 80 people were honored for their contributions to science and technology, laboratory operations, and community service.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.