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Bjornstad to serve on editorial council of environmental journal

David J. Bjornstad, leader of the Energy and Environmental Economics Group of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), has been appointed to the editorial council of The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

The publication contains articles about environmental and natural resource issues with a focus on the linkage between economic systems and environmental and natural resource systems. The editorial council participates in the review of papers submitted to the journal, which is published four times a year. The journal is the official publication of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.

Bjornstad has worked for more than 20 years in the field of economic policy analysis related to energy and the environment and focusing on the economic studies related to energy, the environment, natural resources, technology planning and emergency preparedness.

His current research centers on environmental resource valuation and on investment theory as related to policies encouraging technological change. He recently published a book with James R. Kahn of ORNL and the University of Tennessee entitled The Contingent Valuation of Environmental Resources: Methodological Issues and Research Needs. Much of Bjornstad's work includes the use of the experimental economics methodology and is carried out jointly with Georgia State University.

An adjunct professor at Georgia State, Bjornstad is a former advisor to the Department of Energy's Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, where he directed a task force on economic analysis and modeling related to energy.

Bjornstad is a native of Minnesota and resides in Oak Ridge with his wife, Betty, and son, Randy.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.