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Cyber security experts convening at ORNL

OAK RIDGE, Tenn., May 1, 2008 - Cyber security will be in the spotlight as more than 100 researchers, professionals and educators from around the nation gather at Oak Ridge National Laboratory May 12-14 for the Fourth Annual Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop.

"The combination of increased vulnerability, increased stakes and increased threats make cyber security and information intelligence one of the most important emerging challenges in the evolution of modern cyberspace mechanization," said Frederick Sheldon, general chair and a member of ORNL's Computational Sciences and Engineering Division.

Keynote speakers will be Dick Kemmerer of University of California-Santa Barbara, Michael Franz of University of California-Irvine, Jeff Voas and Steve Lines of Science Applications International Corporation, Brian Witten of Symantec, and Mike McDuffie and Patrick Arnold of Microsoft.

Workshop organizers say their goal is to challenge and debate a far-reaching agenda that broadly and comprehensively outlines a strategy for cyber security and information intelligence that is founded on sound principles and technologies. A panel of experts will address questions about hazards, including social engineering such as "phishing," zero-day and man in the middle attacks, denial of service and insider threat.

"The 100-plus participants represent an assortment of professionals ranging from vice president, corporate technical officer and director of information assurance from Fortune 100 companies to international researchers from universities and centers across the globe," Sheldon said. "These are people who deal with cyber incidents and intelligence crises on a daily basis."

The perspective from such a diverse group of people will help participants gain a better understanding of the needs, stakes and context for the ever-evolving cyber world, Sheldon said.

UT-Battelle manages Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the Department of Energy.


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