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Disabled veteran-owned firm earns ORNL contract

A Knoxville-based Service Disabled and Veteran Owned Business has been awarded a contract to provide office supplies and equipment to the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

A&W Office Supply and ORNL have entered into a two-year agreement that includes four two-year options. Based on the successful performance of the supplier and the needs of the laboratory, the agreement has a potential value ranging from $3 million to $16 million.

A&W Office Supply was one of seven bids submitted to ORNL to provide these services. The A&W bid was determined to provide the best value to ORNL at the lowest price.

"This competitively awarded agreement supports the initiatives of the Department of Energy, UT-Battelle and the U. S. Small Business Administration to provide business opportunities to small businesses," said Keith Joy, ORNL's Small Business Program manager.

As part of the agreement, A&W Office Supply also will provide an electronic catalog of office supplies available to ORNL employees. These products will include recyclable and environmentally friendly products with the "green" and "environmentally preferable" designation, as well as products produced by Americans who are blind or have other severe disabilities.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.