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EPA "Performance Track" recognizes ORNL outstanding environmental compliance

June 12, 2007 — Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been recognized for its outstanding environmental compliance record by being accepted into the Environmental Protection Agency's National Performance Track Program.

Karen Downer, ORNL's Environment, Safety, Health, and Quality Director, said membership in Performance Track distinguishes those facilities that have outstanding records for environmental compliance, environmental management systems, and protection of the environment and public health.

ORNL becomes only the seventh facility in Tennessee to receive this distinction, Downer said.

"Performance Track membership recognizes ORNL's dedication and commitment to environmental leadership," Downer said. "A cornerstone of our environmental management system is a strong pollution prevention program. In 2006, ORNL pollution prevention projects resulted in the avoidance of over 1,700 metric tons of waste with a cost savings of $3.7 million."

In addition to Performance Track membership, ORNL also has implemented an environmental management system that has been registered to ISO 14001, an international environmental standard, since 2004.

ISO 14001 requires a commitment to compliance, pollution prevention, and continual improvement. Each year, ORNL's continued conformance to the standard is verified by an external, independent audit team.

"Applying for membership in Performance Track was a natural progression for ORNL," Downer said. "ISO 14001 registration and Performance Track membership are complimentary programs that are the 'gold standards' for environmental performance."

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.