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Fuel cell development bolstered by ORNL, Julich agreement

An agreement between Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Research Centre Julich in Germany could ultimately lead to lower cost, higher performance fuel cells for transportation and portable power applications.

Under the recently signed cooperative activity agreement, the Department of Energy's ORNL will share characterization tools and techniques while Julich will share materials and fabrication techniques. Julich has extensive experience developing direct methanol fuel cells and is building capabilities in the area of high-temperature polymer fuel cells.

"This agreement underscores the Department of Energy's commitment to the president's hydrogen fuel initiative and to the overall goal of developing cleaner and more efficient automobiles and energy sources," said Tim Armstrong, manager of ORNL's Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies program.

Julich's expertise in direct methanol fuel cells extends to cell and stack manufacturing and electrochemical characterization, testing and modeling. Meanwhile, ORNL researchers will contribute in the field of analytical imaging, including solid-state and surface chemical analysis for fuel cells, and the development of metal and carbon bipolar plate materials.

UT-Battelle manages Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the Department of Energy.