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Jardine chairs division of Soil Science Society of America

Dr. Philip M. Jardine, staff research scientist in the Environmental Sciences Division of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), was recently elected chair of the Soils and Environmental Quality Division of the Soil Science Society of America. He serves as chair-elect of the Soils and Environmental Quality Division in 1996, and will become chair in 1997.

The Soils and Environmental Quality Division addresses and identifies the many relationships between the physiochemical characteristics of soils and impacts on the environmental quality in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Jardine will be responsible for organizing symposia and the agenda for the next two annual meetings of the Soil Science Society of America, which is an organization of scientists that investigates subsurface, chemical, physical and microbial processes.

Jardine has worked in ORNL's Environmental Sciences Division for more than five years, studying the movement of contaminants in soils and rock. He won the 1993 Science Achievement Award in his division and a 1995 ORNL Research and Development Award.

Jardine earned a doctorate in soil chemistry and physics from Virginia Polytechnic University. He was also a post-doctoral research associate in civil engineering with the University of Tennessee.

A resident of West Knoxville, Jardine is married to Shari Jardine. They have one son - Philip A. Jardine and two other children - Boyd and Andrew Evans.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp .