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New TV show features energy efficient Oak Ridge homes

Knoxville-based DIY Television is producing a new series called "This New House" with segments about construction of Oak Ridge homes with a number of energy efficient and energy saving technologies developed and/or tested at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

DIY Producer Bruce Irving, who formerly produced the long-running series "This Old House", said the future of the home construction industry will be guided by the Oak Ridge efforts.

"The future lies with Americans and world citizens getting off their wallets and doing things to make the energy hogs that we currently live in into energy sippers," Irving said recently during dedication ceremonies for four of these homes in Oak Ridge. "There is only one way to do that and that is to prove that it is worth the investment."

Irving said energy cost savings are key.

"These homes are packed with real commercial products and real ways of building that will prove over time where the American wallet should be open and where it should be firmly shut," Irving added.

"This New House" airs at 8 p.m. EDT Thursdays on the DIY Network.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy's Office of Science.