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Nine ORNL communicators honored with awards from communications society

Diana Linville was among nine communicators working for the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) who received awards this year from the Society for Technical Communications (STC), an international society of 15,000 professional technical writers, editors, computer documentation specialists and other communicators of technical information. Linville, safety associate at ORNL, won the 1995 Best of Show and Distinguished Technical Communication Award for the video "ORNL: Safety Dance."

"ORNL: Safety Dance" is an instructional video with a twist - it incorporates the 1994 ORNL safety slogan, "Safety fits everyone, and you wear it well," with a country music song and line dance in which several ORNL employees participated. The video was filmed both at ORNL and at Cinetel Productions in Knoxville, where The Nashville Network's Club Dance is filmed.

The video was so popular at the DOE's third annual Occupational Safety and Health Conference in San Diego that several DOE contractors and officials, including Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary, requested a copy.

Linville, who served as executive producer of the video, said Alexis Magnotti of Analysas and Tom Jester of Jester-Proud WriterProducers deserved credit for the video as well.

Also receiving awards were: Jon Jefferson in the International Technical Video Competition; David G. Cottrell, Robert L. Schenley, John Cook and Sandra R. Schwartz in the International Technical Arts Competition; and Jim Pearce, Carolyn Krause and Vickie Conner in the International Technical Publications Competition.

Pearce, Krause and Conner received an achievement award in the Trade/News Articles category for the ORNL Review article "ORNL's Magic Bullets: On Target for Health." Krause, editor of ORNL Review, was also named a 1995 Associate Fellow of the society, for "extraordinary ability to convey scientific and technical information, and for contributions to the profession and to the Society."

Krause has previously received three international STC awards for Review articles, including a distinguished award. At the international level, the Review has won three STC awards in the house organ category - "distinguished" in 1978 and "excellence" in 1982 and 1984.

Jefferson, an ORNL contractor, received a merit award in the Public Relations category for "Bringing Science to Life," a 19-minute video about ORNL written and partially produced by Jefferson. The video can be seen at ORNL's Visitor Overlook and Graphite Reactor.

Cottrell and Schenley won an excellence award in the Mechanical Illustration: Tone category for the illustration "Tumbler for Zero-Headspace Extractor."

Cook and Schwartz won an achievement award in the Informational Brochure Design category for the brochure "Life Sciences for the 21st Century," an informational brochure describing the ORNL Biology Division that has been widely disseminated among universities and Washington offices.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, which also manages the Oak Ridge K-25 Site and the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant.