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Oak Ridge National Laboratory honors Small Businesses

Seven local and national small businesses have been recognized by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for their work efforts and support of the laboratory's mission and operations.

Companies honored at the Annual Small Business Subcontractor Awards Program held recently at the ORNL Conference Center were:

Small Business - Materials Fabrication and Testing, Oak Ridge.

Small Disadvantaged Business - Sentech, Oak Ridge.

Woman-Owned Business - National Resource Management, Knoxville.

HUBZone Small Business - ESG Construction, Knoxville.

AVID Small Business - Bentco Office Solutions, Chattanooga, Tenn.

Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business - XCEL Engineering, McClellan, Ala.

Veteran-Owned Small Business - Lone Peak Production, Salt Lake City, Utah.

ORNL awards millions of dollars in contracts to small businesses every year. In 2007, more than $219 million was awarded to small businesses to provide services to the laboratory. ORNL reached or exceeded its contracting goals in most every small business category.

ORNL staff members also were honored for their support of small business. Awardees were:

Small Business Program Advocates - Frank DeNap, Tom McLaughlin, Jerome Hicks;

Organizational Small Business Advocate - Support - Facilities Management Division; R&D - Office of the Chief Information Officer; Contracts - Willie Besancenez.

Mentor-Prot?g? Champions - Kimberly Anderson, Ron Crone, Young Kwon, Dell Morgan, John Haines, Bill Reich, Jimmy Stone.

HBCU Advocate Awards - April McMillan, Becky Wagner.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.