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ORNL Consultant chosen Failla Memorial Lecturer

Dr. R. J. Michael Fry, former head of the cancer biology section in the Biology Division at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), has been selected as the thirty-second Failla Memorial Lecturer of the Radiation Research Society.

Fry's lecture will be presented at the society's annual meeting, to be held in San Jose, Calif., in April. The award, established by the society in 1963, honors Dr. Gioacchino Failla, one of the founders of the society and its second president, and is given in recognition of extraordinary scientific accomplishments by the recipients. Past recipients from ORNL include Alvin Weinberg (1967), Richard B. Setlow (1973), Chester R. Richmond (1976), and Arthur C. Upton (1977).

Fry, currently a consultant to ORNL's Biology Division, is well known for his studies on radiation carcinogenesis, with an emphasis on quantitation and risk estimation. He is editor of the journal Radiation Research. Fry has also been named the first recipient of the Radiology-Centennial Hartman medal, established in memory of Dr. Glen W. Hartman, the founder of Radiology Centennial, Inc.

Fry joined ORNL in 1977. He received his bachelor's and his doctorate degrees from the University of Dublin in Ireland. Before coming to ORNL he worked at the University of Dublin, Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory, one of the Department of Energy's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, which also manages the Oak Ridge K-25 Site and the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant.