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ORNL establishes Shull Fellowship for neutron research

The Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has announced the establishment of the Clifford G. Shull Fellowship, a two-year postdoctoral appointment similar to ORNL's Wigner Fellowship.

A maximum of 10 appointments, sponsored by ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) programs, will be made over several years.

The Shull Fellowship is open to fields of science and engineering that foster further advances in neutron science.

"The fellowship's goal is to attract new scientific talent to ORNL and its neutron science programs, making it possible for these outstanding new scientists to continue on the path to excellence while substantially contributing to ORNL and DOE missions and goals," said SNS Director Thom Mason.

Shull fellows will be expected to provide valuable stimuli to the research efforts of ORNL, make available the most recent developments of university science and engineering departments and represent ORNL to its sponsors and collaborators in the scientific community.

The fellowship is named for Clifford Shull, co-recipient of the 1994 Nobel Prize in physics, who began his work in 1946 at what is now ORNL. He has been called the "father of neutron scattering," and the fellowship has been established in recognition of his pioneering work in the field.

The Office of Science-sponsored SNS, a state-of-the-art, linear-accelerator-driven neutron research facility, is on track for completion next year. HFIR, a research reactor, has received a series of recent upgrades including new neutron beam lines and a cold neutron source. The two facilities will make ORNL the leading world center for neutron science.

For more information on the Shull fellowship, contact Bob Martin, (865) 241-2950,

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a multiprogram laboratory managed for the Department of Energy by UT-Battelle.