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ORNL leads minority internship program

Minority college students from across the country are participating in a hands-on research program at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) through Aug. 17.

The Research Alliance for Minorities (RAM) program - a cooperative effort among DOE, national laboratories and universities - is aimed at increasing the number of minorities who pursue advanced degrees in science, mathematics and engineering. The project is funded by DOE.

Each student is working with a staff research mentor in areas including software algorithms for robots, computer models for fuel economy analysis, accelerated climate predictions, advanced networking and parallel programming on clusters. ORNL research divisions hosting RAM students, in addition to the Computer Science and Mathematics Division, are Computational Physics and Engineering, Robotics and Process Systems, Environmental Sciences and Energy.

At the end of the assignment, each student will prepare an oral presentation and design a Web page to exhibit research highlights.

Participating educational institutions are the University of Tennessee, Christian Brothers University, Fisk University, Alabama A&M University, Johns Hopkins University, Knoxville College, Tennessee State University, University of Missouri-Kansas City and the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.

Some digital photos of the students are available upon request.

ORNL, which is operated by UT-Battelle, is one of DOE's multi-program research laboratories.