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ORNL Nuclear Professionals Win Distinctions from the Institute of Nuclear Material Management

Congratulations to Scott Stewart, Jessica White-Horton, and Cary Crawford for their achievement

Three Oak Ridge National Laboratory employees took home distinctions at the annual conference for the Institute of Nuclear Material Management (INMM) in July 2022. Cary Crawford became an INMM Fellow, Jessica White-Horton earned the Education and Outreach award, and Scott Stewart received the Early Career award.

A long-time member and advocate for INMM, Crawford was honored to be named a fellow of an organization for which he previously held the position of president. “I consider the institute to be an integral part of my career…for 30 years now,” said Crawford, the division director for ORNL’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Division. Crawford was recognized for his “active leadership and dedication to making the institute better.” He has attended every INMM annual conference since 1997 and will continue supporting management of nuclear materials for peaceful uses across the world.

Jessica White-Horton, an Implementation Technologies staff member, has taught safeguards for nuclear material management for several years. Since 2016, she has facilitated 19 training courses for over 400 students in addition to hosting three workshops this fiscal year for graduate-level students. She was recognized “for her passion and commitment for furthering the next generation of safeguards professionals.” In accepting the award, White-Horton expressed gratitude to fellow INMM associates; colleagues at the National Nuclear Security Administration Office of International Safeguards; and supportive teams across ORNL, including the Non-destructive Measurements Science and Technology team and the Safeguards Concepts and Implementation Team.

Scott Stewart, a nuclear safeguards engineer, has spent the early part of his career supporting technology development for nuclear proliferation. As a member of INMM since 2009, he has contributed “novel technology and innovative research in data science for nonproliferation and safeguards.” His expertise in using artificial intelligence and machine learning for nonproliferation research has advanced the ability to combat misuse of radioactive material across the world. In his acceptance speech, Stewart highlighted the role mentors have played in his career and highlighted the need for everyone to be active in supporting the “next generation and equip them to be successful.”

ORNL maintains a strong presence in INMM. In addition to the three prestigious individual awards, 7 Nuclear Nonproliferation Division staff members were elevated to the status of INMM Senior Members and more than 20 participated on panels at last month’s annual conference.

Nuclear nonproliferation research at ORNL contributes scientific knowledge that helps countries benefit from the peaceful uses of nuclear and radioactive material, such as medicine, agriculture, or energy, by providing information on how to acquire, use, and dispose of material according to international guidance.

UT-Battelle manages ORNL for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. The Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit — Liz Neunsinger