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ORNL's 'green' efforts recognized by Office of Science

April 20, 2010 — Oak Ridge National Laboratory's research and operations programs in sustainability and energy efficiency have resulted in recognition from the Department of Energy's Office of Science.

ORNL received "best in class" and "noteworthy practice" awards for its Net-Zero Energy Building and Sustainable Campus Initiative programs, respectively. ORNL DOE Site Manager Johnny Moore presented the awards to ORNL Director Thom Mason at the laboratory's Earth Day observance on Monday.

"This recognition reinforces our efforts to lead in solving the energy challenges that face us and at the same time practice the sustainable policies that are part of that solution," said ORNL Director Thom Mason.

ORNL's Net-Zero Building program employs state-of-the-art efficiency technologies such as solar and geothermal energy generation, heat-pump water heaters and modular construction techniques toward homes and buildings that in some cases can provide as much power to the electric grid as they consume.

With a long-term goal to develop technologies to meet a net-zero-energy goal at low incremental costs, ORNL has focused on leading new homeowners and builders toward houses that boast high efficiency and use solar panels to generate their own electricity. Net-Zero Energy technologies were used in a Habitat for Humanity-built subdivision near ORNL and have been featured on the television show, "Extreme Makeover, Home Edition."

The laboratory's "Sustainable Campus Initiative -- Accelerating Sustainable Success Now and in the Future" program integrates energy and resource efficiency, cutting-edge technologies, operational and business processes and individual practices to achieve sustainability at work, at home and in the community.

The Office of Science recognized ORNL sustainability efforts that include waste reduction, solar installations, the steam plant's conversion to biomass and an electric vehicle initiative. In addition, major new facilities that have been constructed as part of ORNL's modernization campaign are LEED-certified for sustainable, green building and development practices.

These awards make the laboratory eligible for DOE's EStar Awards, to be announced later this week.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.