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ORNL’s Moyer receives Seaborg Actinide Separations Award

Bruce Moyer
Bruce Moyer

Bruce Moyer, leader of the Chemical Separations group in the Chemical Sciences Division at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has won the 2019 Glenn T. Seaborg Award from the Actinide Separations Board.

The award recognizes “U.S. scientists and engineers who have made outstanding and lasting contributions to the development and application of actinide separations process and methodology.”

Moyer was cited for “outstanding accomplishment and meritorious achievement in actinide separations science.”

Moyer is an ORNL Corporate Fellow with nearly 40 years of experience in separation science and technology, especially in applying fundamental principles to waste treatment, nuclear fuel recycle and the recovery of critical materials. He led the Sigma Team for Advanced Actinide Recycle for the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy from 2009 to 2018. The winner of two R&D 100 Awards, Moyer now leads a focus area on diversifying critical materials supply for clean energy for the DOE’s Critical Materials Institute, as well as an Office of Science program on chemical recognition and transport in extractive separations.

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