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Six area firms receive ORNL small business awards

OAK RIDGE, Tenn., March 14, 2014 -- Six East Tennessee firms doing business with the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory received 2014 ORNL Small Business Impact Awards from the laboratory Friday morning at a meeting of the East Tennessee Economic Council (ETEC).

"This is the first time the awards have gone exclusively to regional companies," ORNL Deputy Director for Operations Jeff Smith said. "Recognizing these firms at ETEC highlights their importance to the economic development of the region, as well as their contribution to our laboratory operations."

The companies were recognized by ORNL's Small Business Programs Office in categories emphasizing their specific capabilities and contributions.

Above and Beyond Award: Machined Products Company, Inc. of Knoxville, for the company’s outstanding work in fabrications. Members of ORNL's fabrications group said the company worked on short notice and through the weekend to fulfill a summer outage need that was delivered on time.

Innovator Award: Cadre5, LLC, a small business located in Knoxville, for the development of an outstanding idea, process, project management mechanism or technology. Cadre5 has assisted the laboratory for several years in the area of software engineering and has consulted on multiple projects, most notably the Fieldable Nuclear Materials Identification System and the Global Threat Reduction Initiative Program Management Info System II.

Partnership Award: Cornerstone Equipment and Supply, a small business in Oak Ridge, and Applied Industrial Technologies, a large business located in Knoxville. The companies work as a team on a long-term basic ordering agreement for industrial supplies. Applied Industrial provides customers with their full product line; Cornerstone provides support staff as well as barcoding on each delivery.

Rising Star Award: KDK Consulting, Inc., a service-disabled veteran-owned small business located in Knoxville, which has shown outstanding performance in its early years in the construction business. KDK has a contract for Central Laboratory Office Modification work at ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source.

Marketplace Award: A&W Office Supply of Knoxville, a service-disabled veteran-owned small business, for its excellent service provided within the ORNL Marketplace catalogs system. A&W holds one of three small business subcontracts to offer discounted office supplies in ORNL's online Marketplace system.

Brad Dunsmore, a subcontract administrator in ORNL's Acquisitions Management Services organization, received the ORNL Small Business Advocate Award. Dunsmore was recognized for his consistent support for small business in his procurement activities, including awarding $12.5 million in subcontracts to small businesses.

ORNL's procurement operations are led by LeAnne Stribley, director of the Acquisition Management Services Division. Cassandra McGee Stuart manages the Small Business Programs Office.

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