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Small businesses recognized by ORNL

Seven businesses have been recognized by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory with its Small Business Subcontract Awards.

The awards were presented during the annual awards program sponsored by ORNL's Small Business Programs Office.

Businesses recognized and their award categories were International Armoring Corp. of Ogden, Utah, for small business, Solutions to Environmental Problems of Knoxville, Tenn., as a small disadvantage business, PTG Organizational Solutions of Oak Ridge, Tenn., as an HUBZone small business, Burgoon Company of Galveston, Texas, as an AVID small business, Advanced Resource Technologies of Oak Ridge as a service-disabled veteran-owned small business, Cherokee Steel Supply of Monroe, Ga., as a veteran-owned small business and Peak Beam Systems of Edgemont, Pa., as a woman-owned small business.

Five ORNL staff members and two organizations were honored for their work with small businesses. Kathy Carney of the Environment, Safety, Health and Quality Directorate, Linda Horton of the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences and Jackie Smith of the Contracts Division were recognized for the Small Business Program Advocate Award. Harvey Gray of the National Security Directorate and Glenn Jennings of the Human Resources Directorate earned the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Advocate Award.

The Organizational Small Business Awards Advocate for Operations was presented to the Facilities Development Division, represented by Lanny Bates. The Organizational Small Business Advocates Award for research and development was presented to the Neutron Science Scattering Division, represented by Ian Anderson.

Jeff Smith, ORNL's deputy director for operations, spoke of the large number of contracts that have been awarded by the laboratory to small businesses throughout East Tennessee.

The featured speaker at the breakfast was WATE-TV news anchor Lori Tucker of Knoxville.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.