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Southern Technology Council meets at ORNL to discuss nanotechnology

Technology advisors representing governors from Texas to Delaware visit the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory Wednesday and Thursday to talk about the emerging technology of nano-science and how the South can benefit.

Alex Fischer, ORNL's director of Technology Transfer and Economic Development, said the Southern Technology Council will see how Oak Ridge will play a key role in advancing nano-technology.

"As the only national laboratory in the Southern United States, we are seeking relationships and partnerships, " Fischer said. "The Southern Technology Council is a fantastic collaboration that brings all of our potential partners together in one place."

Fischer said an East Tennessee nano-technology marketing strategy will be announced during the meeting.

"Technology 2020 will be unveiling the East Tennessee Nano-Technology Business Alliance as a part of the Innovation Valley Initiative that will describe how we in the Knoxville-Oak Ridge area intend to leverage the capabilities of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the University of Tennessee and many other institutions in the area for nano-technology economic development," Fischer said.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.