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Two ORNL researchers named American Physical Society fellows

Two researchers in the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have been named fellows by the American Physical Society.

They are Dr. Steven Paul Hirshman of ORNL's Fusion Energy Division and Dr. Gene Ice of the Metals and Ceramics Division.

Hirshman was honored for his many contributions to fusion energy research. He is currently leader of the Advanced Stellarator Group within the Fusion Energy Division's theory group. He performed post-doctoral research in plasma physics at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in New Jersey before joining ORNL in 1978 as a Wigner fellow. He earned advanced degrees in plasma physics and electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hirshman and his wife, Alessandra May, live in Oak Ridge and have three adult children - Peter, Angela and Veronica. They have three granddaughters. Hirshman and his wife are clarinetists in the choir at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Oak Ridge.

Ice was recognized for application of resonant X-ray scattering to study materials and for his pioneering work in X-ray optics. He is a senior staff scientist at ORNL. In 1998, he was the co-principal investigator on an initiative sponsored by DOE in the area of mesoscale physics. He joined ORNL in 1985. Ice earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvey Mud College in California and a doctorate in physics from the University of Oregon. He also worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Oregon. He and his wife, Rosalyn Rae McKeown-Ice, have two children - Gary and Kelsey - and reside in Oak Ridge.

ORNL is a DOE multiprogram research facility managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.
