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U.S. Rep. Fleischmann touts ORNL as national energy treasure

February 11, 2011 — One month into his freshman term in Congress, U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, R-Tenn., is advocating Oak Ridge as a national energy treasure.

Congressman Fleishmann emphasized his advocacy during a presentation before the Women in Nuclear organization meeting in Oak Ridge.

"I'm attending as many conferences as I can and continue to advocate both here and in Washington, D.C., for our outstanding energy mission," Fleischmann said during his visit to Oak Ridge National Laboratory. "I was glad to hear the president praise ORNL during his State of the Union address. I praise Oak Ridge everywhere I go. My subcommittee assignments to my committees indicate my strong commitment to energy."

Congressman Fleischmann is a strong advocate for nuclear energy.

"It is clearly the energy of the future," Fleischmann said. "It is the way we're going to need to go to become more energy independent. We're going to have to work in conferences like this and throughout Oak Ridge to make sure we continue to develop our nuclear energy resources."

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy's Office of Science.