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UT-Battelle names six Small Business Awards winners

Six businesses that provide services from computer technology to construction were honored recently by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory at the 10th Annual Small Business Subcontractor Awards Program.

The awards highlight the accomplishments of subcontractors who provide products and services to the laboratory. The honorees, which were nominated by champions within ORNL, include:

Small Business: Planet Technologies of Germantown, Md.; Bellevue, Wash.; and the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, Wash. Core capabilities include Microsoft architecture, collaboration, and unified messaging; Federal Enterprise Architecture, cyber security consulting services. Total sales to ORNL are $2.8 million.

Small Disadvantaged: Holman's Inc. of Albuquerque, N.M.; Tempe, Ariz.; Livermore, Calif.; and Oak Ridge. Primary services include precision surveying and computing solutions and services. Total sales to ORNL are $3.7 million.

Woman-Owned: Avisco Inc. of Oak Ridge. Primary services include heavy civil construction, excavation and grading, site preparation, underground utilities, storm drainage installation, demolition, site restoration and hazardous waste remediation. Total sales to ORNL are $2.3 million.

HUB Zone: LMK Engineers, LLC, of Pottstown, Pa., and Oak Ridge. Core capabilities include project management; conceptual and detailed designs; construction surveillance; quality assurance; technical procurement and source inspections; environment, safety and health; and regulatory compliance. Total sales to ORNL are $1.8 million.

Service-Disabled Veteran: Raintree Consulting Group Inc. of Knoxville, Tenn. Primary services include financial cost analysis and work authorization coordination. Total sales to ORNL are $225,000.

Veteran-Owned: Saliant Inc. of Jefferson, Md. Core capabilities are national and domestic security. Total sales to ORNL are $250,000.

Awards presented to ORNL staff, organizations and programs for support and advocacy of small businesses were

Small Business Advocate: Claude Robison, Fabrication, Hoisting & Rigging Division, who helped his organization subcontract with numerous small businesses in 2008.

Support: Human Resources and Diversity Programs, which spent 87 percent of its business-subcontracting base with small businesses.

Research and Development: The Spallation Neutron Source, which spent 74 percent of its business-subcontracting base with small businesses.

Contracts: Ellen Blackburn, contracts administrator, who awarded 57 percent of her 1300 procurement actions to small businesses during FY 2008.

Awards for ORNL staff support of the lab's Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Educational Institution Program went to Ted Fox of the Energy and Engineering Sciences Directorate and Faye Brewer of the Facilities and Operations Directorate.

The Small Business Subcontractor Awards presentations are coordinated by ORNL Small Business Program Manager Keith Joy and Will Minter, director of the Asset Management and Small Business Division.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.