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Vehicles – Dandy app

A new app developed at ORNL makes fuel economy and other information more readily accessible to car buyers.

March 2, 2016 - Fuel economy data, sticker price, emissions information, safety ratings and much more is available at your fingertips with the latest Find-a-Car tool, an app designed specifically for easy searches on mobile devices., maintained by the Department of Energy with data from the Environmental Protection Agency, is credited with helping consumers save millions of gallons of fuel each year by enabling them to make more informed buying decisions. With this new app, users can personalize their results by specifying annual mileage, percentage of driving in stop-and-go traffic and local fuel costs. They can also compare multiple vehicles at a time and save car models in a “garage,” where they are readily available. The app also has features unique to the mobile version, including the ability to scan the QR code on a car’s fuel economy label. The app, developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the DOE Clean Cities Program, is available on the iTunes Store and Google Play.