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Youngsters learn sciences at two ORNL summer camps

Rising fifth, sixth and seventh graders are getting a hands-on indoctrination into science this summer at two outdoor camps sponsored by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Instructor Kris Light said a goal of the one-week camps is to enhance the youngsters' interest in science.

"We like to try to get kids interested in science," Light said. "If they are already interested in science, then keep them excited about it. We try to bring some people in from the lab."

Different types of science are covered during the week, and the reaction has been positive.

"It's a lot of fun," Light said. "The kids really enjoy it. We get a lot of parents saying how much fun the kids have had and how excited they were."

Among the many topics the campers learn about are insects, geology and weather.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.