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Joint Biosciences Division publication with EPA researchers receives prestigious EPA award

Northern Gulf of Mexico (image from NASA Aqua satellite)

A publication in the journal Geobiology has received a Level III Science and Technological Achievement Award (STAA) for 2016 from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Biosciences Division authors include Jennifer J. Mosher, Tatiana A. Vishnivetskaya, Steven D. Brown and Anthony V. Palumbo in collaboration with EPA Gulf Ecology Division authors Richard Devereux, David L. Beddick Jr., and Diana F. Yates.

The article “Changes in northern Gulf of Mexico sediment bacterial and archaeal communities exposed to hypoxia” explored the differences in sediment microbial communities observed in Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone between periods of norm oxic and hypoxic conditions. The differences might provide information that would be useful in developing indicators of environmental change in aquatic ecosystems susceptible to hypoxia.

The STAA awards, which are among the most prestigious of EPA’s scientific awards, are presented to scientific and technological research conducted by EPA scientists and engineers and their associated co-authors.
Devereux, R., J. Mosher, T. Vishnivetskaya, S. Brown, D. Beddick, D. Yates, and A. Palumbo. Changes in northern Gulf of Mexico sediment bacterial and archaeal communities exposed to hypoxia. Geobiology, 13(5):478-493, (2015).  doi:10.1111/gbi.12142