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by Franz X Gallmeier, Michael Wohlmuther
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

AARE_ACTIVATION prepares the input files for various activation codes from MCNPX1-2 or MCNP63 output and runs them. Three activation codes are presently supported: CINDER20084, SP FISPACT5-6 from the EASY-2010 code package, and ORIHET3 7. The script assumes that the requested activation code is installed on the computer with all ancillary files and data libraries such that it can be executed through the settings of the PATH environment variable or by defining the absolute path of the executable name in the input of AARE_ACTIVATION.
AARE_ACTIVATION is distributed in the AARE code package, which also includes CINDER2008. If the user wants to run the ORIHET3 and SP-FISPACT codes, the user will need to inquire after the respective codes as indicated in the references.
In case problems are encountered running AARE_ACTIVATION, the authors would be pleased receiving a report of the problems, including the inputs and names of code versions that were applied.