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Activity Diagrams for DEVS Models: A Case Study Modeling Health Care Behavior...

by Ozgur Ozmen, James J Nutaro
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
Spring Simulation Multi-conference 2015
Conference Location
Washington, Virginia, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Conference Date

Discrete Event Systems Specification (DEVS) is a widely used formalism for modeling and simulation of discrete and continuous systems. While DEVS provides a sound mathematical representation of discrete systems, its practical use can suffer when models become complex. Five main functions, which construct the core of atomic modules in DEVS, can realize the behaviors that modelers want to represent. The integration of these functions is handled by the simulation routine, however modelers can implement each function in various ways. Therefore, there is a need for graphical representations of complex models to simplify their implementation and facilitate their reproduction. In this work, we illustrate the use of activity diagrams for this purpose in the context of a health care behavior model, which is developed with an agent-based modeling paradigm.