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Additive Manufacturing of Thermoset Cellular Structures

Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

Magnum Venus Products (MVP) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) set out to develop and commercialize a 3D printer depositing thermoset polymers with a build volume accommodating mid-scale applications capable of deposition rate exceeding 10 lb/hr with resolution of 3 mm or less. The objective of this work was to demonstrate the ability to efficiently print light weight cellular structures for application in load bearing structural applications, thereby transforming the mid to large scale additive technology. The project was organized around three main tasks: 1. Thermoset printer development, 2. Material and process parameter development and 3. Demonstration. The MVP-ORNL team successfully carried out the project by creating the first thermoset 3D printer of this size in the world and by using it to demonstrate the ability to print cellular structures. The team was awarded the Award for Composites Excellence at the 2018 CAMX conference for this development.