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An age-specific biokinetic model for iodine...

by Richard W Leggett
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Radiological Protection
Publication Date
Page Numbers
864 to 882

This paper reviews age-specific biokinetic data for iodine in humans and extends to pre-adult ages the baseline parameter values of the author’s previously published model for systemic iodine in adult humans. Compared with the ICRP’s current age-specific model for iodine introduced in Publication 56 (1989), the present model provides a more detailed description of the behavior of iodine in the human body; predicts greater cumulative (integrated) activity in the thyroid for short-lived isotopes of iodine; predicts similar cumulative activity in the thyroid for isotopes with half-time greater than a few hours; and, for most iodine isotopes, predicts much greater cumulative activity in salivary glands, stomach wall, liver, and kidneys.