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Anomalous Photodeposition of Ag on Ferroelectric Surfaces with Below Bandgap Excitation...

by Katyayani Seal, Brian Rodriguez, Ilia N Ivanov, Sergei V Kalinin
Publication Type
Journal Name
Advanced Optical Materials
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 299
DOI: 10.

Ferroelectric lithography, a recent method of fabricating functional interfaces, traditionally involves photoreduction on polarized ferroelectric surfaces at optical energies above the bandgap of the ferroelectric. In this work, we report for the first time, photochemical deposition of elemental Ag nanoparticles on a specifically poled lithium niobate substrate, with broad white light spectrum light transmitted through the crystal. The transmitted light has energies only below the bandgap, leading to the conclusion that the Ag reduction proceeds through non-linear effects, specifically, second harmonic generation.