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Big Data as a Service from an Urban Information System...

by Alexandre Sorokine, Rajasekar Karthik, Anthony W King, Budhendra L Bhaduri
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
BigSpatial '16 Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data
Publication Date
Page Numbers
34 to 41
Publisher Location
New York, New Jersey, United States of America
Conference Name
Conference Location
San-Francisco, California, United States of America
Conference Date

Big Data has already proven itself as a valuable tool that lets geographers and urban researchers utilize large data re- sources to generate new insights. However, wider adoption of Big Data techniques in these areas is impeded by a number of difficulties in both knowledge discovery and data and sci- ence production. Typically users face such problems as dis- parate and scattered data, data management, spatial search- ing, insufficient computational capacity for data-driven anal- ysis and modelling, and the lack of tools to quickly visual- ize and summarize large data and analysis results. Here we propose an architecture for an Urban Information Sys- tem (UrbIS) that mitigates these problems by utilizing the Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) concept. With technolog- ical roots in High-performance Computing (HPC), BDaaS is based on the idea of outsourcing computations to dif- ferent computing paradigms, scalable to super-computers. UrbIS aims to incorporate federated metadata search, in- tegrated modeling and analysis, and geovisualization into a single seamless workflow. The system is under active devel- opment and is built around various emerging technologies that include hybrid and NoSQL databases, massively par- allel systems, GPGPU computing, and WebGL-based geo- graphic visualization. UrbIS is designed to facilitate using Big Data across multiple cities to better understand how ur- ban areas impact the environment and how climate change and other environmental change impact urban areas.