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Bose-Einstein Interference in the Passage of a Jet in a Dense Medium...

by Cheuk-yin Wong
Publication Type
Journal Name
Physical Review C
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When an energetic fermion collides with many fermion scatterers at very high energies, the Bose-Einstein symmetry with respect to the interchange of the virtual bosons leads to a destructive interference of the Feynman amplitude components in most regions of the momentum transfer phase space but a constructive interference in some other regions of the momentum transfer phase space. As a consequence, the recoiling scatterers have a tendency to come out collectively along the incident jet direction, each carrying a substantial fraction of the incident jet longitudinal momentum. This collective recoil of the scatterers may be the origin of the longitudinal momentum kick in the momentum kick model proposed to explain the "ridge" correlations in high-energy Pb-Pb collisions at RHIC and p-p collisions at LHC.