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Cavitation-erosion resistance of 316LN stainless steel in mercury containing metallic solutes...

by Steven J Pawel, Louis Mansur
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Publication Date
Page Numbers
122 to 181

Room temperature cavitation tests of vacuum annealed type 316LN stainless steel were performed in
pure mercury and in mercury with various amounts of metallic solute to evaluate potential mitigation
of erosion/wastage. Tests were performed using an ultrasonic vibratory horn with specimens attached
at the tip. All of the solutes examined, which included 5 wt% In, 10 wt% In, 4.4 wt% Cd, 2 wt% Ga, and a
mixture that included 1 wt% each of Pb, Sn, and Zn, were found to increase cavitation-erosion as measured
by increased weight loss and/or surface profile development compared to exposures for the same
conditions in pure mercury. Qualitatively, each solute appeared to increase the tenacity of the post-test
wetting of the Hg solutions and render the Hg mixture susceptible to manipulation of droplet shape.
Published by Elsevier B.V.