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Closed-Form Solutions for the Equations of Motion of the Heavy Symmetrical Top with One Point Fixed...

by Hector E Laos
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series
Book Title
Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & Experimental Techniques
Publication Date
Page Numbers
29 to 38
Publisher Location
Cham, Switzerland
Conference Name
IMAC-XXXIX Virtual Conference
Conference Location
Virtual, Florida, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
ORNL - Development
Conference Date

The equations of motion (EOM) for the heavy symmetrical top with one point fixed are highly nonlinear. The literature describes the numerical methods that are used to resolve this classical system, including modern tools, such as the Runge−Kutta fourth−order method. Finding the derivate of closed-form solutions for the EOM is more difficult and, as mentioned in the literature, discovering the solution is not always possible for all the EOM. Fortunately, a few examples are available that serve as a guide to move further in this topic. The purpose of this paper is to find a methodology that will produce the solutions for a given subset of EOMs that fulfill certain requisites. This paper summarizes the literature available on this topic and then follows with the derivation of the EOM using the Euler−Lagrange method. The Routhian method will be used to reduce the size of the expression, and it continues with the formulation of the classical cubic function, f(u), through a novel process. The roots of f(u) are of the utmost importance in finding the EOM closed-form solution, and once the final roots are selected, the general method that will produce the closed-form solutions is presented. Two sets of examples are included to show the validity of the process, and comparisons of the results from the closed-form solutions vs. the numerical results for these examples are shown.